The North Face makes jackets for men, women and children

The North Face makes jackets for men, north face jacket women and children. North Face jackets are primarily made for snow-related activities, such as snow skiing and snowboarding. They are made from a durable and waterproof fabric with sealed seams. The North Face also makes a line of warm, down jackets which are water resistant and seam sealed. The sealed seams keep water from intruding between the seams. Special care should be taken when washing and storing North Face jackets in order to ensure they retain their water-repellent features. Spray your North Face jacket with a protective coating spray or fabric guard spray such as Tehran or Revive. This will help protect the water proofing of your jacket.
This step can be repeated after every third washing to retain the North Face jacket’s fabric shield. Wash your North Face jacket in cold water, inside out. All of the zippers and snaps should be secure. This will help the jacket retain its shape while going through the wash cycle. Only use the north face jacket powder soap in the washing machine. Do not add liquid fabric softener; it can hurt the fabric sealant.
Par szhangqian le vendredi 08 juillet 2011


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